The best way to prevent fear of the water is early exposure. As your child learns to hold onto the side independently and later move through the water on his own, his confidence will grow significantly
The techniques used in swim lessons for young children, such as swimming with toys, improves both gross motor skills and coordination. According to a study performed by the University of Science and Technonology in Norway, infants and young children who swim demonstrate higher levels of balance and ability to grasp objects than their non-swimming peers.
Research shown that toddlers who participate in swim lessons demonstrate advanced development compared with their peers.
Knowing how to get to the side of a pool, hold on to a floating object, or swim is the number one way to prevent the main cause of accidental death for children under the age of 5: drowning. For this reason, toddler swim lessons with Sunsational Swim School incorporate those critical safety skills from the very begining